Writing a scientific paper is a struggle
for students all over the globe. Chemists and engineers in the US (C&EN, August 13, 2007) provide the following suggestions (in no
particular order) for writing excellent manuscripts:
Tip 1. Conduct thorough literature searches and cite
precedents. "Good
literature searching allows you to provide a cogent paper that is
well-thought-out and well-organized, and it also keeps you from
embarrassing yourself," says analytical chemist W. Jeffrey Hurst at
the Hershey Co. For example, it behooves you to discover earlier rather
than later "that what you thought was seminal work has been reported
on 12 times" already, he says.
Tip 2. Read scientific literature for content and style. Study lots of articles for technical material,
but keep an eye out for particularly clear writing styles and incorporate
them into your work, says catalysis chemist Gregory C. Fu at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. Crystallographer Anthony L. Spek
at Utrecht University,
in the Netherlands,
also suggests reading well-written papers in the specific journals you want
to publish in.
Tip 3. Clarify authorship carefully. Sometimes the authorship is straightforward;
sometimes it's not. Authorship on journal articles can become an ethical
issue, and in certain cases, disputes have cost scientists their jobs and
reputations. "Be meticulous and make sure that authorship is
correct," recommends Sean B. Seymore, a
professor of patent law at Northwestern
University who holds
a doctorate in chemistry and has written about authorship abuse (http://law.richmond.edu/jolt/v12i3/article11.pdf).
Tip 4. Get organized now. Most authors develop a plan for organizing a
paper sometime near the end of completing the lab work. Some researchers
pull out the original research grant proposal, scribble the main points on
a whiteboard, or take a stab at an abstract.
Other authors use writing as a tool to
guide their research. Chemist George M. Whitesides
at Harvard University advocates early outlining
so strongly that he wrote a paper about it (Adv. Mater. 2004,
16, 1375).
A former Whitesides
postdoc, Teri W. Odom, adopted the process for
her materials research group at Northwestern
University. "The
principle of the Whitesides' paper-writing
process—that outlines and drafts should be constructed in the course of
solving a problem rather than after all the data have been analyzed—has
been useful."
She says her group will often go through
about eight outlines before drafting the manuscript. As an exercise, Odom
also requires students to complete a fully referenced paragraph written in
the Nature format (www.nature.com/nature/authors/gta/Letter_bold_para.doc).
Tip 5. Allow months for revision. Cornell
University chemistry
professor Roald Hoffmann, a Nobel Laureate, goes
through many drafts of a manuscript with his students. "A typical
number is 23," he says.
Tip 6. Know your audience. Nonspecialists will
read your journal article. Hoffmann advises scientists to "write the
manuscript for an intelligent graduate student, not a professor."
When writing up interdisciplinary work,
take nothing for granted and explain everything, says University of Iowa
physical chemist Vicki H. Grassian, who works on
environment-related surface science and nanotechnology. For example, she
has had reviewers repeatedly question particular calculations for
atmospheric reactions that have been "routinely done in heterogeneous
catalysis for more than 50 years," she says.
Tip 7. Tell clear and concise stories. Many researchers refer to journal articles as the
"stories" of their research. No one likes a long-winded,
disorganized, tangential, and confusing story. Chemists and engineers
suggest focusing on critical content and succinct sentences. "Create
no mysteries—those that nature provides are sufficient," Hoffmann says.
Tip 8. Seek help with grammar and language. "One often hears that English has become the
de facto language of science," says Patrick H. Vaccaro,
a physical chemist at Yale
University. "As
a reviewer for several journals, it often seems more appropriate to state
that 'bad English' has become the lingua franca of modern science." Vaccaro and other professors direct both native and
nonnative English speakers with poor basic writing and grammar skills to
university writing centers and language classes.
Tip 9. Learn from the best. Graduate and postdoctoral advisers are just two
sources of writing advice. "Don't be afraid to ask other researchers
who have been successful in achieving top-tier publications and funding or
who are known as good writers to review your material," says chemical
engineer Thomas H. Epps III at the University of Delaware.
Tip 10. Find several readers. Journal articles contain a few big concepts and
many small details that an author could miss. Gabriela C. Weaver, a
chemical education researcher at Purdue
University, pairs up
her graduate students as "writing buddies." They read each
other's work before she provides comments. Utrecht University's
Spek sends his manuscripts to colleagues who are
not coauthors so they can comment on them before he submits them to
Because mistyping a number can cast doubt
on the rest of the results, organic chemist Roman Dembinski
at Oakland University in Rochester, Mich., has every member of his group
proofread each manuscript—whether they are authors on it or not. Chemist
Thomas Higgins of Chicago's Harold Washington College
points out that "colleagues in the humanities make good
Tip 11. Write often. Chemists say putting down just one paragraph of
observations each day can help improve writing. "Get as much
experience writing as you absolutely can," says Cynthia S. Dowd, who
recently joined the chemistry faculty at George Washington
"Some PIs don't 'allow' you to write, but take a stab at writing the
experimental section, introduction, results, and discussion anyway."
Tip 12. Try different genres. Writing for the layman about nonscience
topics can be a fun and helpful way to improve your writing. For example, Michelle
Francl, a theoretical chemist at Bryn Mawr
College, in Pennsylvania, has published essays on
topics ranging from parenting to music. Hoffmann has published so many
scientific and literary works, among them poems and plays, that he now
describes himself as a "theoretical chemist and a writer."