11. 标点符号的使用 |
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英文科技论文写作中经常使用的标点符号有逗号,句号和分号.冒号和问号使用的情况很少,而惊叹号几乎就不会被使用.现在分号使用的也逐渐减少,一般用句号取代.一篇论文中只是使用逗号和句号也是正常的.句号的使用比较明确,下面主要对逗号的使用作一些说明.逗号虽然很小,但要表达清楚你要传达的信息却离不开它.比如下面的例子,没有逗号时句子不好读.加逗号后,逗号放在不同的地方,意思完全不同 . Although it was incubated at 50 o C for 24 hours no reaction occurred. Although it was incubated at 50 o C for 24 hours, no reaction occurred. Although it was incubated at 50 o C, for 24 hours no reaction occurred. 逗号是用来分开两个独立的句子,下面的句子是可以的 . Ethanol is used to replace gasoline, and it is produced from corn. 下面的句子就不合适 , 因为逗号后面不是一个完整的句子 . Ethanol is used to replace gasoline, and is produced from corn. 当一个长的语句出现在句子的前面时, 要用逗号分开 . 若语句不长 , 不需 要停顿, 也可以不用逗号 . During the process of solvent removal, some crystalline solid was formed. During the process precipitate was formed. |