工作评价 |
“ 我看了您修改的第一稿,感觉语言表达和意思表示上确实清晰了许多。谢谢。关于修改思路现有几点想法 ……”by a reviewer
“My manuscript is accepted, thank you very much and we have wasted a lot of your time… ( Chinese English!) ” by an editor
“ 18 号拜托您修改的文章, 3 月 22 号已经投 BBRC , 26 号编辑部直接回复说接收,今天早上编辑部回复说网络版 4 月 3 号出来。这应该算是一件高兴的事情吧 ……”by an editor
“ 我阅读过你们给我科的一位同事翻译的稿件,个人认为你们的英文稿比他的中文原稿要出色 ^_^ ,这也让我对你们的工作速度和质量有所了解。我现在有一篇论文基本定型 ……” by an author
“ 我按你们编辑的建议把稿件修改好了,结果和讨论部分都加了内容,请再帮我看一遍。同时帮我参谋一下投那个杂志比较合适 …… ”by an author
“This manuscript was written clearly and I recommend acceptance after minor revision……” by an author
“While the general content of the manuscript is acceptable for publication, the reviewers strongly recommend you to have the English edited by a native speaker before submitting again for consideration……”by an author
“We like to inform you that your manuscript is accepted for publication without further revision…..” by an author
9.“首先十分感谢你对我稿件的修改,其中做出的修改和意见之详细和具体,是我意想不到的,在此谢谢你” by an author
“ 您好!感谢贵公司对我们的支持,我们在贵公司修改了 4 篇英文,有 2 篇已接受了,其中 1 篇影响因子 6.35 ,这 1 篇文章的修改质量也得到了审稿人的高度赞扬。我推荐的师弟在贵公司修改的文章也被影响因子 6.35 杂志接受了 …… ”by an author
“ Many thanks for your excellent work for my manuscript, and very grateful for your special and additional work for my respone letter. I have carefully review the revisions and revised some of the words according to your suggestion, and send back to Toxicol Letter editor at 21, May. Very soon, today (26, May). I have received their decision that they want to accept my manu. ”by an author