句子的连接和信息的传承 |
There is increasing interest in natural antioxidant products for use as medicines and food additives. Vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids are some of these widely used natural antioxidants . Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including superpxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide, are generated under physiological and pathological stresses in human body.
这个例子中,第一句和第二句都与 natural antioxidant有关,但第三句出现了reactive oxygen species,同前面的内容没什么关系,这时第三句同前面的传承上出现了断离.下面的改 动中加了个连接句子,把 natural antioxidant 和 reactive oxygen species 连 接了起来 . There is increasing interest in natural antioxidant products for use as medicines and food additives. Vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids are some of these widely used natural antioxidants . Antioxidants played an important role in lowering oxidative stresses caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS including superpxide anion radical, hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide are generated under physiological and pathological stresses in human body.
从一个状况到另一个不相 关 的状况 时 , 经常 用in addition to 的句子衔接 .
Oxygenases catalyze the incorporation of a molecule of oxygen (O 2 ) into the substrate. They catalyze the initial and rate-limiting step of L - Trp catabolism in the kynurenine ( Kyn ) pathway. ……….. In addition to its role as a L - Trp-catabolizing enzyme, IDO is involved in the immuno -regulating system………
科技论文有很强的推理特性 .要表达一个思维过程,思想之间的传承和衔接要紧密,合理.思维是用句子表达出来的,这样句子之间的衔接和关系就特别重要 .句子的衔接可以通过连接词,短句,或一个整句.衔接的作用就是把前后的思想贯穿起来,从而达到说明,推理,或讨论的目的 .
句子可以分为简单句和复杂句.复杂句中的短语之间需要用连接词和副词来连接。同时句子之 间的传乘也需要使用连接词和副词 . And, but, or, for, nor, yet, not only…but also, either…or, although, after, before, because, if, as, when, since, than, where, unless, though, whereas 都是些经常使用的连接词 .
除此之外,科技写作中经常使用一些连接副词,如 also, however, moreover, furthermore, therefore, otherwise, consequently, indeed, similarly, finally, likewise, then, hence, nevertheless, thus.
当用连接副词来连接两个独立的句子时,一般语法书中都注明第一个句子后加分号,连接词 后加逗号.但现代杂志论文中往往在第一个句子后加句号,而不用分号,两种写法都是可以接受的 .
We quantified the extent of forest damage in the region; moreover , we attempted to explain why trees died.
We quantified the extent of forest damage in the region. Moreover , we attempted to explain why trees died.
It was rained; however , the drought persisted.
It was rained. However , the drought persisted. |